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images : asianfanatics
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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Crazy Sex Rally!

Woooo! It's sunday again! my blogging day..
Sorry about my lack of blogging..
My weekdays are usually quite busy and boring..
Very busy actually.
I'm still four weeks behind handing in my english essay..which i don't plan to do. Too late x.x My bad!

But on Saturday, it was the Fungus/101 Crazy Sex Rally! Days, weeks, months were spent in preparation for this one day...for four minutes of perfection. Altitude, with the help of Bryan and our "manager", and Nick, after over a month of rehearsals and indecisive decision-making, was able to pull off quite a memorable and rewarding performance! Thankyou so much to all of you! You are awesome blessings ^.^, we wouldn't have been able to do it without you. From choosing one song with the four of us, to another song, to two songs with the six of us, it was quite a journey.
But through all the hours of filming, recording, dance practices, singing practices - every minute of it was worth it..

Well actually..the re-recording of me & audrey's rose scene was quite a waste of time :P
AUDREY TAN...learn how to step on a rose please!! xD (we took around twenty least) haha.

But I'm glad that it's all over!

No more interrupted school nights,
And most of awesome performance dedicated to God.

In all, it was quite a successfull night! There were not as many people as expected, but nevertheless, all of them were able to hear a little about the amazing God we serve. The beatbouncr's dance was AWESOME (go josh!), and the ever so annoying smoke alarm. LOL. No one anticipated that would happen...hehe =P Although the topic was quite controversial, and the message was quite weird (in my opinion), he did make several good points which are very true about the society today. You know, sometimes it's so easy to miss the point of these rallies. Sometimes we could be overly concerned with lighting, how well we perform or the amount of people who attend, but it occured to me that these don't really matter! The reason we do this is to glorify God's name, and to begin to plant seeds in the hearts of people, and in time will grow unbelievably to impact lives. That's all that matters. Even those 'unsavable' people in our lives have hope. Glen Berteau from Kidshaper spoke a powerful (and hilarious) message exactly about this topic:

no matter how impossible the situation may seem, and however stubborn people may be to receive god's only takes ONE TIME for god to work amazingly. So it's all about persistence and determination, and above all, faith in our God. Because through Him, the impossible becomes possible.

All I can really do is reflect and stand in awe of Him. For the success of Saturday, and for the lives that will be changed in the future, and thank Him for His unfailing love. Every life and every breath means so much to Him, and that gives me hope for what can happen through faith.

For the amazing and successful rally, for the lives you touched, for the work you will do in the future. Thankyou for all the people who made the rally what it was, for the time and dedication and hours given to glorify your name. You are truly an AWESOME God!
Impossible is nothing.


/PPS. I need a new blog skin. I'm getting bored of this one!

Some photos!

message left at 31.8.08

Sunday, August 24, 2008


love is like playing the piano.
first you must learn to play by the rules.
then you forget the rules.
play from your heart.


(credit to shaungoh)
message left at 24.8.08

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



Over this week, as I've been persistently TETRISING (to beat Steph's highscore =P), my mind always seems to wonder. I have no idea why...but I can *hardcore tetris* and think about so many things at the same time... Who said guys can't multitask? ^.^

Sometimes I'm thinking about the work I should be doing, other times I think about someone, sometimes I just reflect...then again..other times I really am concentrating on tetris. :P

But this week, I've been thinking about the good 'ol days..year seven... primary school!
Life used to be so little to much free time! Nowadays, I haven't had a homework free day all year! But I've discovered many joyous memories of my childhood, the fun times just playing around and doing nothing...playing sports, lego, cars, digimons! =]
Haha...good fun.
Like every other asian, I had to learn a few instruments while I was growing up. I have played the violin, piano and now, the drums.
So, on the weekend I decided to play the piano for a while. (a long while...and i've completely forgotten violin)
I took out my grade one book and starting playing! I really, really can't read music.. I played piano for like 5ish years? And could never sight read..
So here I am..trying to sight read this grade one kiddy piece... "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
Haha..but's amazing how many songs I still remember.. I can still remember around 80% of the book? Cool huh?
My childhood brings back good memories..
Although I hated piano practice...I'm starting to enjoy it. But, I don't have much free time these days. So...I'll stick to tetris practice!

Last week, I had a major outcome for Classics...worth 50% of unit four! Bleh..I revised heaps for it, and had to miss some rally practices along the way. But, thank God...I did pretty well! =]
My first A for a major sac! I better start trying now...6 weeks of school left till VCE examinations! I'm getting scared...year 12!
Oh yeah.
I've done my subject selection for next year!
There's my life year.
So make sure you spend time with me this year!

I managed to watch an episode of Hebe drama...
I haven't seen it for a term!
HEBE! I've missed youuuu!!!!
But I've also got Yoobin now :D
That reminds me..i'm way behind in naruto. Oh well..
Back to the school routine.


message left at 20.8.08

Monday, August 11, 2008

Winter Woes.


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(looks like snowflakes?) snowed yesterday in melbourne!! I haven't seen snow since primary school..and i sure miss those "ice creams". Literally. Ice.

Mornings have been especially freezing, and all I want to do is to stay in bed! Here is my basic waking up routine:

5am - *open eyes*. Is it time for school yet? checks time... nope. Back to sleep.
7am - arghh..gotta get up soon...
7:15am - alarm goes off. (radio plays). mmm..nice music..NOT. so cold...*hits snooze*
7:30am - okay..i'm geting up to sleep..
7:50am - WHAT THE. i just shut my eyes ONE SECOND AGO!!!??

And I leave at ten past eight! Ahhh...

The rest of the morning is a rush..i usually forget either my locker key, my lunch, my diary or my books. And occaisionally, i lose my tie.

So yeah. Winter is way too lame.
I'm over it.

But one cool thing about winter this year is the OLYMPICS!!!

The opening ceremony was just about the best thing I have ever seen....
Seriously...woah..words can't describe how awesome it was!!
So..i won't even try ;)
Somewhere about the awesomeness rating of 100 out of 10?
perfect synchronization, extravagant colours, beautiful music...
this was one to remember!

Last night, I had PEKING DUCK!! Wooo...thankyou soo much to aunty alena =] She is awesome! Yum Yum Yum. It was a freezing cold night, and there was nothing better than having sumptuous duck =]]. You know..Shaun Goh is quite blonde! I used to think maybe audrey, sarah, adrienne :P (not me la.. lol!). Funniest convo ever:

We were discussing driving and the Learners test, which jacilyn and steph are yet to take....
(something along these lines...)

Shaun: "If your car is turning, and there are three lanes on the other side, which you're turning into, which lane can you turn into?"
Jackie: "Huh...i don't get it..i need like a diagram to see..then it'll be easy to get my L's!"
Shaun: "Well...what if next time they don't have diagrams?
Steph&Jackie: well they obviously won't, and if they did, we'd take it before that happened.


I think he just realised what he said five seconds after. LMAO.

I wonder why it's called 'common sense'. It isn't that common after all... =P

I know i've blogged about this before, but I MISS SUMMER!

I miss the long, warm days that only get dark after 8pm.
I miss the warm mornings where there is NO COLD!
I miss having a COLD shower during the summer heat.
I miss the australian open..i'll miss being a ballboy ;)
I miss.. You baby.
LOL. Nice pickup line much? rally is approaching...i'll need to rest my voice and my throat. so i can sing :)
So I'll be off now...
You know..typing up a blog really strains your voice. right? ;)


Bye for now,
message left at 11.8.08

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Are you a narcissist? Take this quiz to find out!

Do you...

1) Spend extended periods of time checking yourself out in the mirror?
2) Find your reflection is more attractive than brad pitt/angelina jolie?
3) Spend more than fifteen minutes doing your hair?
4) Choose clothes two days in advance?
5) Look at your reflection everytime you pass a mirror or window?
6) Have a photo collection, with >60% of photos being of yourself?
7) Carry round a mirror (or use your phone as a mirror) wherever you go?
8) Talk to yourself on the phone to hear your own voice?
9) Sing songs/write poems about how awesome and ridiculously good looking you are?
10) Try to pick up and flirt with walls? (i wonder who would do this...)



If you answered YES to...

0 questions = whether you choose to deny it or not, you are a narcissist!
1-3 questions = you have a potential to be a narcissist, but need to check out your hair more often
4-6 questions = you are a half-narcissist, well on the way to becoming one.
7-9 questions = you are basically a pure narcissist. well done.
10 questions = you are a pure, utter and complete narcissist. in fact, you define narcissism. You are probably audrey. (or jan~!)
11 questions = you either cannot count, or you cheated.

I got..9/10 =]
message left at 3.8.08

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Lame Pickup Lines

LOL! I stumbled across this whilst looking for blog skins.
Brings back..memories ;)

(click on it to view)
message left at 2.8.08

Friday, August 1, 2008

House Singing...

Hi All :)
I don't usually find the time to blog during the week, so here's a treat!
Last night marked the 42nd annual Camberwell Grammar house singing competition.
Over the past month, every monday, wednesday and friday (and even lunchtimes) were spent rehearsing before school at 8am! All the cold mornings rushing to school in busy traffic, and trying to hit high notes whilst half asleep....doesn't really do it for me. Not to mention the fact I've been sick with a cold! But thank god i'm better now ^.^
So. Our house, robinson, had quite a reputation to live up to, after winning the competition last year, coming first in both songs! quite an extraordinary feat if you ask me. We had two songs to sing: a unison song and a part song, both involving everyone in the house. Although I didn't really like the song choice this year, I still decided to give it a shot.
Although..I had one AWKWARD moment. During our last rehearsal, we were going through the song for the last me..starts singing, whilst drifting off..into the starry sky...
Everyone continued to sing in perfect harmony...and suddenly stopped..but i still kept singing!
AHH! It was awkward. Everyone like stopped and looked at me. And i was like. "OOPS. My bad"
*looks at the floor* LOL!
But anyways...after a good hour of listening to both good and bad instrumentals, from jazz trios to string quartets, it was finally time for our house to sing. The other houses before us were average, mediocre if you ask me.
With brimming confidence, we walked up on stage showing hints of nervousness. We sung "okay" i guess..the music director didn't start crying like last year LOL. Mr Henley. What a legend.
Completely out of rhythm..and OFF PITCH on our FINAL NOTE. AHH! What an earsore.

At the night's end, around 10:30, the results were announced. I was thinking we were perhaps average, around the middle somewhere (of the 8 houses). AND THEN.
I knwo huh? Shouldn't we just WIN since i'm in the house?
Like... "You don't need to sing. You have daniel. you win."
I wish. I wish they were "blinded by the level of pure awesomeness"..but they weren't lol.

Oh well. I got home, and realised I had an eco project due the next day. So at 11:30, i began my work, whilst discussing praise and worship for fungus, and altitude for rally. I don't think i've ever been so stressed. And completely unable to multi-task. I kept working till around 12:30 or so...and was completely exhausted. Completely. After a long week of little sleep, tests and assignments, I fell asleep straight away.

I woke up at 7am. Turned off the alarm. I woke up at 7:30am. Went back to sleep. School only starts at 8:25 anyways. Woke up at 8. Ahhhh... Sleeep. Woke up at 8:30. Okay..time to get up now.
I missed first period.
And first thing in school, I had an english sac. Which was quite good ^.^
So yeah. And here we are now :)
I just finished playing drums for a bit. Was lots of fun! Haven't played for at least six months..
Ah the memories :)

Anyways. Time to revise for my three tests coming up next week.
Looking forward to a good rest this weekend!
Laters =D
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