

.how i met your mother
.big bang theory


July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
May 2010
August 2010




background : adobe photoshop pattern maker
images : asianfanatics
others : shabbyprincess | bittbox
designer : xfantasywingsx

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The End.

It's over. It's finally over. The countless hours of revision, tetrising and reading will soon become distant memories (save tetris), as the warm weather approaches. The smell of summer is in the air, I can feel it! I am looking forward to summer's HOT weather, (though I'll be enjoying the fun sun in Malaysia), the Australian Open, my spine-tingling, hair raising, exhilirating experience of reading my year 12 textbooks, as my final year of school approaches. .

Yes, our school is slow. Every other school finished exams when we started, and I'm glad that it's FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY (etc etc) OVER!!!!!!


(This is me getting all of my stress and anxiety OUT)

(Gar, i still have an english essay to do.. -.-)


the holidays are sure to be full of fun,
though it has not yet begun.
the nice warm weather and bright shining sun,
will most likely increase the rate of skin cancer and sunburn. (and annoys people like jackie)

You were expecting a RHYME weren't you >=]
Evil much?


So, as a result of the many lost hours of sleep and life in general, I will be compensated, in the form of general compensatory damages, for pain and suffering. (here lies the remnants of my legal revision).

My favourite stress relief, TETRIS is going to be my new best friend.
For the next few weeks, "you're my douche" (quote stewie griffin)
Get ready tspins..
Get ready fingers..
Get ready audrey to be beaten in tetris sprint...
Get ready and start your enginges,



If tetris wasn't working, I think I would be a very bored person. But then again, I still have my FiFA. ^^

OH. and one more thing. Hyori Lee/Lee Hyori is hot! That is all.
If we got married, she won't need to change her surname!
Convenience and efficiency!

So bye bye exams, good bye year eleven...
Holidays...(and year 12)





A tetris image for inspiration :)

PS. It's weird right...

People waste hours and hours playing tetris to take a second or two off their highscore...
or to add an extra hundred points or so...

Just a random fact of life to ponder upon for the week...

And just for the record, I'll be blogging more, now that I'm free!


message left at 27.11.08

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Holiday mode

Exams are nearly over!

Well actually, they haven't even started yet!


My exams start this friday...two days time. And finish next thursday.. eight days time.

Today was meant to be a study day, so we didn't go to school.

I had a completely productive day consisting of...

Playing FIFA
Playing Tetris
Playing more FIFA.
Being sick
Diligently working and revising as a form of "stress relief"

Okay, well not the last one.

Yes, I somehow don't feel like revising..although my methods exam is on friday...and I don't understand half of probability... My lack of productive work is compensating for my severe loss of "life" in revising for my classics, so I guess it all balances out. :)

For some weird reason, yesterday, I woke up with a sore throat and feeling sick. I was feeling perfectly normal the day before! How does that work? So hard to concentrate know..concentrating on beating Man U 8-0 with Arsenal :D

My highlight of my time wasting was yesterday...
I am ranked 64th in the world for tetris!
All I can say is...ty stephi :)

But my day has hardly been wasted; I found my new love!
Not Hebe...
Not YooBin...
Not Chocolate...
Not HSM3
Not all of the above...


It is the new macbook...


Awesome much?

Anyways...I should probably get back to what I was doing...

The art of procrastination.

Byes :)
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The exam to end all exams: Classics


It is officially OVER!

Classical Societies and Cultures Units 3 & 4

The 11 of November 2008.


All my hours of practise essays, reading, analysing texts, analysing naked statues, more reading and regretting this subject...have finally paid off.

I had a running countdown to my exam for the entire term...and I am just so glad that it's finally over!

The exam was really good; our class was really well prepared for it, seeing that we have a pro-as teacher...


It was a warm day, and my heart was beginning to beat. Faster and faster.
It was time to go into the examination hall.
The exam soon began...

Two hours on the clock, fifteen minutes reading time.

*Opens the paper slowly*

The best Iliad passage in the world..
A pretty good sculpture
and a wide variety of essays to choose from.

Oh yeah :)

I'm quite happy..seeing that I managed to write ten pages within two hours..

more than i've ever written in any of my practise exams!

at the hand was like shaking..and was PAINFUL.
But after a while..the nerves blew away :)
thank god :D

I managed to pull of the exam in a 'passable' manner
but I'm dreading the 15th of December o_O results day!


Thankyou god for helping me through this all!
If it wasn't for You...
I dno where I'd be in life.
Thankyou for all of my friends and family who encouraged me
may you bless them too :)

But...I might miss Classics. All of Dr K's lame jokes...and CLEARLY essay writing myself well into the night, stressing about the sac the next day.


I'm just so happy it's all over!
A huge burden of stress gone!!
So now..time to focus on 1/2s.

*Deep sigh of relief*




Oh well. Just pass :D

So, I've been completely unproductive today and yesterday, making up for all the loss of several hundred hours of my life on this subject.

Hopefully...the examiners will be able to read my writing...and feel extremely generous.

Either that or...

The vehicle carrying the examination papers will do an amazing flip, somehow spilling toxic waste and or acid onto my essay, thus giving me a perfect score.



but possible :D

Nights then :)

Things to do in an exam you know you are going to fail:

If all else fails...

(i stole this from a facebook group:

2. Talk the entire way through the exam. Read questions aloud, debate your answers with yourself out loud. If asked to stop, yell out, "I'm SOOO sure that you can hear me thinking." Then start talking about what a jerk the instructor is.

10. As soon as the instructor hands you the exam, eat it.

18. If the exam is math/sciences related, make up the longest proofs you could possible think of. Get pi and imaginary numbers into most equations. If it is a written exam, relate everything to your own life story.

20. Bring some large, cumbersome, ugly idol. Put it right next to you. Pray to it often. Consider a small sacrifice.

30. After you get the exam, call the instructor over, point to any question, ask for the answer. Try to work it out of him/her.
message left at 12.11.08

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Final Final Final Exam! =O

My counter is down to....


Till my Classics exam!

I'm both excited (to FINALLY finish)
nervous and slightly panicking.


I should probably get back to my revision..

Memorizing quotes...

Writing essays...

Being awesome...



This will be my last post till I'm done..

Best of luck daniel!
(yes i'm wishing myself luck! since nobody else has yet :P)


God bless :)

DanieL ~ Tuesday the 11th of November 2008, 3:00pm - 5:15pm
message left at 8.11.08

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Blog and New Baby!

Yes Yes Yes!
After many hours of work, I finally understand why it took audrey so long last time (to make my blog).

My newest skin of Big Bang =P
Pretty cool huh!

But that's not the only new thing!

I just got a message an hour ago...



See, I knew it would be a boy ;)
At least Josh has a playmate now xD Although he's like 15 times his age...

Haha, Asher Loke was born today on the 4th of November 2008 =]

Welcome babyyy :)

I'll make sure you grow up to be as cool as Altitude. *cough.

Congratulations to Quentin and Sonja on the birth of your baby!
May God bless both you and him amazingly!

We shall meet soon :)

On another note, as exams are approaching, today is my final Tuesday before my exam.
It's so close! Every single day, hour and minute I have spent studying this subject now comes down to this one day: the 11th of November.

*scary background music*

Nevertheless, whilst browsing through msn, (which I shouldn't be doing...), I stumbled across a verse:

Phillipians 4:6

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

That gives me some comfort! I know I can rely on Him, not just by my own strength. That He is so much bigger than my worries, and will pull me through!


So that concludes it.

New Blog yay.
New baby YAY!
and Exam revision! Owh..



PS/ Just to let you know, I've kept to my word of writing three essays per day!

So far...


God bless!
message left at 4.11.08

Monday, November 3, 2008

Photo editing fun!

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Awesome blog posting!

I should really be studying right now, and I really want to sleep...but I feel a need to blog.

Talking about 'awesome'...

jan says:
what are you doing?
danie L "Janphie"; [9] (classics;) says:
im getting my dose of awesomeness..
jan says:
as am i
jan says:
jan says:
awesome doesn't even describe us well enough...
jan says:
it should be replaced with 'jan' or 'daniel'
jan says:
like, omg, you're so daniel !
danie L "Janphie"; [9] (classics;) says:

Haha =P I think that word is getting a little bit overused...But it's still...awesome!

Anyhow, during this long long weekend, I have attended the wedding of Corrine and Jaime (congratulations! =] ), spent several hours singing pointless karaoke (at Carmen's birthday), played badminton...

and studied. A little.
Scary much?
Bio and further already start I'll consider myself lucky... for now at least.

Till the 11/11/08, I will write 3 (THREE) essays a day.

That is my pledge :)

Anyhow, today was Sonja's last day at kid's church!
So Audrey was speaking today about putting our faith in God.

Hebrews 11:6..."Without faith it is impossible to please god"

Amidst the stress and chaos around exams, school, sport etc, I've been inclined towards doing everything on my own, and figuring everything out by myself. It is so easy to miss the fact that God is always here for us, and wants to give us a helping hand - it all relies on faith. Even in the small things in life, by placing our faith and trust in Him - through Him, anything is possible. Our God is an awesome God, and He is BIG. Bigger than any exam, or any problem we may come across, for He holds the world in His hands. The ENTIRE WORLD. It's hard to believe or even comprehend, and by having unfaltering and unwavering faith in Him, we can move mountains.

Thankyou God for all the small things in life.
Thankyou for giving us life and keeping us from harm.
I'm sorry for the times where I haven't placed my faith in You,
and may you increase my faith as each day passes.
God, be my strength: you are bigger than anything I could ever imagine.
No matter what, I know You're always there for me,
And may I always praise You and give You thanks.


Dan.(is tired)

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